Teaching Buteyko
Providing Buteyko teacher training for healthcare professionals since 2003.
We are the main provider of teacher training of Buteyko breathing techniques for healthcare professionals from novice to advanced clinical skills.
We run the adult and child Buteyko Teacher Training course modules, online once a year in October. We teach professionals with a patient facing health care degree internationally. Buteyko breathing exercises are recommended in the UK, European, and global asthma guidelines for symptom management and breathing retraining. Buteyko breathing exercises can also benefit children and adults who are having problems with their breathing, with or without diagnosed respiratory conditions. These exercises can help people who are limited with breathlessness, from those who are starting to engage with exercise through to elite athletes.
We offer mentoring and support for those who have completed the course, to help build clinical skills and confidence in using these techniques in clinical practice.
Hot off the press - we are providing an advanced course in July for those who have their adult module accreditation.
Please see 'course' for further information'
If you would like to find out more or register your interest in a course please email the Buteyko Teacher Trainers at buteykobreathing@outlook.com, including your profession and which country you live in.
Teaching Buteyko provides Buteyko teacher training for healthcare professionals who wish to use Buteyko techniques with their patients or clients. Delegates who pass the course will be able to demonstrate proficiency and confidence in applying Buteyko techniques in clinical practice.
We focus on providing training through a variety of teaching styles and teach in small group sizes, supported by training on theory, practical, evidence and safe application for both pediatrics and adults. Our teacher trainers are both experienced Chartered Physiotherapists who work in respiratory care within the NHS and private practice.
We are based in the UK, however healthcare professionals have come to train with us from all over the world. Our courses are accredited by the Buteyko Breathing Association, with successful course completion leading to membership of the Buteyko Breathing Association.
"This must rate as one of the best courses I have attended. Experienced and well informed presenters working in the field and passionate about the method." - Physiotherapist, Adult & Child Module.
"I have worked in dysfunctional breathing for almost 30 years now and have found the Buteyko techniques a very
exciting new addition to my 'tool kit' looking forward to starting to use them in my clinic." - Physiotherapist, Adult & Child Module.
"Loved the series. Going to use this loads and is going to be a game changer for many swimmers and triathletes." -Pharmacist & outdoor swim coach, Adult Module.
"Thank you very much for allowing me the opportunity to learn Buteyko. Your course was very organised and the group of students were very knowledgeable and wonderful. 10/10 from me!". - Dentist, Adult & Child Module
"The course was well organised and well run. The tutors were knowledgeable and directed each session well with ample time for questions and discussion without digression." - Osteopath, Adult & Child Module.
"Excellent course that I would highly recommend to others. I learnt a lot, all that can be applied within my clinical practice. Excellent teachers and relaxed environment (non-judgmental) that you could engage in discussions." -Physiotherapist, Adult & Advanced Module.
​I really enjoyed the study days and have learnt loads. I have already implemented some of the techniques in 2 patients I saw yesterday and I’m convinced that it will vastly improve their symptom control and quality of life.” – Respiratory Specialist Nurse, Adult Module.
Buteyko Breathing Technique
Buteyko is a breathing technique that can help manage asthma symptoms, alongside conventional medical management.
The BTS/SIGN Guideline on the Management of Asthma, 2019 states that
"behavioural programmes centred on breathing exercises and dysfunctional breathing reduction techniques (including physiotherapist-delivered breathing programmes such as the Buteyko method) can lead to modest improvements in asthma symptoms and quality of life, and reduce bronchodilator requirement in adults with asthma." (p.60).
The Global Initiative for Asthma 2024 states that
"A systematic review of studies of breathing exercises in adults with asthma and/or dysfunctional breathing, including Buteyko method shows improvements in symptoms and quality of life. " (p.63)​
Buteyko Breathing
Association (BBA)
The BBA is an association of healthcare professionals who wish to promote and support best practice of Buteyko.
Although based in the UK their members are found all over the world. Professions represented within the BBA membership include physiotherapists, nurses, medical doctors, osteopaths and chiropractors. The annual Study Day and AGM is usually held in London.
​For further information visit the BBA website.
Teaching Buteyko Trainers
Claire & Charlotte
BBA founding members meet Dr Buteyko, July 2000, London.